

by Heather Tankersley

It’s hard to believe that on this day eleven years ago, our world would change forever.

If you’re like me, you can probably recount the day down to the hours and even minutes and how you the information as it came in.

Perhaps you were in or near the city… Perhaps you had friends or family that you were desperately trying to reach. Perhaps, like my husband, you were on a flight at the very moment the towers were hit (headed to Midland, TX). But one thing is for sure and that is that you’ll always remember the days and weeks that followed.

As crazy as things were with so much fear and uncertainty, people came together. People held the hands of strangers. People all over the world came together in solidarity and in support.

Americans became united. Race, color, creed, gender, political ideology… none of it mattered. We were in it together.

We vowed to be more understanding, to be kinder, to be gentler to one another, and to give grace to one another.

If only, for a moment, we could go back to that place in our hearts and in a moment of silence for all of those who lost their lives and family members, remember the kindness that was present in the world.

We learned a lot in those days that followed, but it seems many have forgotten. We are facing different challenges in 2020, but I’d like to believe that we are still united more than we’re divided.

Let’s find common ground and come together because together we’re better and stronger.

P.S. And be sure to follow me on fb icon.png Facebook and instagram icon.png Instagram so I can share market information, renovation and design tips, information about things to do in the Austin area, and more! 

P.P.S. Please let me know what questions you have about the Austin real estate market. I’ll be doing a new series starting next week.

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