
Wishing You A Happy Thanksgiving

Growing up in the Northeast, Thanksgiving was always one of my favorite holidays. It was the beginning of the Christmas season (and we got to pull out all the decorations this weekend).

But, more than that, it was about the time spent in the kitchen with my grandmother. We would cook pumpkin pies, apple pies, and mincemeat pie (which I still don’t think I’ve ever actually tasted) early in the morning. And we always had the turkey, gravy, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce (the gelatinous version from a can!), and more…

It was a time of togetherness, more than about a meal.

I know that this past year hasn’t been easy for many…

Maybe you’ve had financial challenges, changes in your career or business, personal things going on in your life, health issues, or something else… OR maybe a combination of all of the above!

Or perhaps this year has been your best year ever… No matter what, today is a day for being grateful for the blessings that you have.

For me… I am incredibly thankful for so very much as I reflect back on this year, and my life in general.

First… my family!
There was a long time that I didn’t know if we’d ever be able to have children! We went through a LOT to get them including years of IVF, tears, and broken hearts along the way… and because of that, I try to hold on to that even in the challenging moments. I am grateful that we have these beautiful girls, for my super supportive husband, and for his amazing family!

Second… our friends!
We have been so very fortunate to meet some amazing people on our journey. Some have been in our lives for decades, through all the bumps and bruises, while others have come into our lives for a season or two. Some I see almost daily, and others… it’s never enough.

And for so many “clients” that have become friends… and in many cases like family! Without real estate, our paths would have never crossed, but through helping them buy or sell a home, I’ve found countless people that I hold dear to my heart.

But for each of them, I am grateful… and especially for those who are navigating this crazy stage of life with us!

Third… my business
Real estate most certainly has its ups and downs, no doubt! But I’m incredibly grateful that I get to help people through whatever stage they’re going through. Whether someone is buying their first ever home, relocating to or from Texas, adding to their family, becoming empty nesters, buying their first (or 101st) investment property, I love the opportunity to be able to use my experience and knowledge to help them navigate!

I also love that it allows me to teach my girls how to be entrepreneurs, how to work hard, how to set goals, and that… at the heart of it all… your success depends on how many people you can truly help!

I could go on and on… but ultimately… it’s not about ME today… it’s about what you’re grateful for where you are right now. I’d LOVE to hear from you what you were most grateful for today…

Happy Thanksgiving!


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