I’ve been getting 2 questions about this market.
- Is it a good time to sell? and
- Is it a good time to buy?
How can that be, you ask, since buyers’ market and sellers’ market are often quite different?
Let’s start with buyers: Should I Buy or Hold Off?
We’ve seen appreciation in the double digits for well beyond the past year. Some people are hoping if they wait it out, they’ll see a drop or a foreclosure event reminiscent of 2008/2009.
There doesn’t appear to be an end in sight. In some areas, we’re seeing the appreciation of 20% plus inside of just a couple of months. So, you can either get in NOW and ride that appreciation wave up OR you can choose to wait and let the prices get even higher.

So, while it may be frustrating to put in several offers before getting one accepted… or having to come in a good bit over the appraised value, it’s definitely worth getting in NOW!
Sellers: Should I Stay Put For A While Longer?

So, if you cash your equity out NOW, then you can start the clock over again while we ride the next wave (Remember, the Texas Demographic Center is predicting a population increase of nearly 28% between now and 2030).
This means you can potentially cash out A MILLION DOLLARS tax-free.