


The theme for the summer issue of the Magnolia Journal is: Flourish. And as I sit and look at the craziness around us, it’s easy to let the chaos take over and get caught up in the “busy” ness of life. But, as my oldest daughter finishes her first year of public school and my …

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It’s hard to believe that on this day eleven years ago, our world would change forever. If you’re like me, you can probably recount the day down to the hours and even minutes and how you the information as it came in. Perhaps you were in or near the city… Perhaps you had friends or …

9-11 Read More »

Epic Fail

So, we’ve all had those days, right moms? Where we have the best of intentions and everything unravels and you go to bed with the biggest heap of mom guilt weighing on you. Well, today might just be my biggest fail as a mom. It was easy when there was just Emma… I could focus …

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