
Mothers Day

I wanted to take a moment to wish all of the “Moms” a Happy Mother’s Day… whether you are a mom… have a speicial mom… or are missing your mother today.

In a world where things seem to get crazier by the day, it’s important to take time to reflec on what’s most important in our lives…

Ever since I can remember, I’ve wanted to be a mom!

When I started investing in real estate and then teaching investing strategies around the country, people would always talk about “your why”… and even back then, my WHY was always “to be able to be home with my kids and husband for dinner every day as a family”. This was a decade and a half before I ever had kids, but was always the most important “goal” for me.

Fast-forward and I met my husband. We got married. And then we decided it was finally time to have kids. Sadly, that didn’t come easy for us. We had to go through fertility treatments (5 rounds of IVF), suffered several miscarriages, and more.

But, in the end, we ended up with the two most perfect little girlts that anyone could ask for.

They have been alongside me in business since Day 1… They’ve helped paint homes that we were renovating. They’ve helped me stage homes that we’re gettign ready to sell. And they have even accompanied me on showings for clients. They understand that what we do helps families find the perfect home for them to create memories in.

It is because of them and the life we’ve created that we created our tagline:

We also make sure that we set goals as a family so that when mom DOES have to take time away at night or on the weekends, it’s for a goal together.

And the best part is that so many of the “clients” I’ve helped have become such close friends and a part of our family…

Until next time… keep smiling… be kind… and stay safe out there 🙂


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