
Email Address for Kiddos

Email Address for Kids


I wish I could take credit for this idea, but I read it online while I was pregnant with my first, or shortly after she was born. The idea is simply to set up an email address for you child and then send them messages throughout the years.

When they turn 18, or at some other time of your choosing, you turn over the account to them.

For one, you’ve given them an email address with their name, which is harder and harder to come by these days! It’s kind of a cool gift 😉

But the more important thing is that you’ve given them years worth the messages, thoughts, special notes, etc.

When I set up my first born’s account, I gave the address to family and a few very close friends and asked them to share whatever and whenever they wanted. I naturally logged in and checked from time to time and saw that nobody did. So, I decided to keep it a special gift between me and them, a collection of messages from mama… hopefully they will cherish them into their years, long after I’m no longer here on earth with them.

Admittedly, I miss most of the “holidays” and I don’t write to them as often as I’d like, but I probably average about 1.5 messages a month to the girls. That’ll be a couple hundred emails by the time they’re 18!

I share things that make me happy or proud… or sad or scared… or things I want them to know in the future… or dreams I have for them…

If I find something online that I want to share with them, I copy and paste it into the message and share it.

I use it to tell them I’m sorry for days that I wasn’t the best mom I could have been or didn’t show them as much grace and kindness as they deserve.

I share with them special wishes or memories on their birthdays.

If we make up silly songs or stories, I send them via email so we don’t forget.

Sometimes I send a message to just one of my kiddos. Other times, I send the email to both of them if it makes sense.

The main thing is the


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