We sure have had a crazy spring and summer here in 2020!
And I don’t know about you, but I’m looking forward to fall! Here in Austin, we’ve had some cooler temperatures so it really IS starting to feel like fall!

This is the time for pumpkin (fill the the blank), fresh baked apple pies (we used to go apple picking every fall growing up in New England), and more time to spend with family and friends!
Usually for me, this time of year marks our “party” season! From birthday parties (mine and friends) to Halloween parties, Trick or Treat night with the neighbors and then a big feast for everyone after, Friendsgiving parties x2, and Christmas parties…
While 2020 may look a little different, I’m still looking forward to spreading some of the fall and winter cheer and celebrating the season!
I’d love to hear your FAVORITE thing about fall! Shoot me an email or share on Facebook and let me know what’s the one think you love the most about fall!

P.S. And be sure to follow me on Facebook and
Instagram so I can share market information, renovation and design tips, information about things to do in the Austin area, and more!
P.P.S. Please let me know what questions you have about the Austin real estate market. I’ll be doing a new series starting next week.